Do you know a REALTOR® or Affiliate Member that goes above and beyond to help the community? Do you dedicate your free time to a local…
Tune in live as GAAR hosts its quarterly Marketing Workshop that will cover how you can use social media to power your business.
Over 400 Realtor Professionals at Southwest MLS currently use Find – Property Search, which is a separate home search tool found in FlexMLS. Find-Property Search…
Calling all REALTOR® members interested in serving on the 2020 GAAR or SWMLS Board of Directors! Now is your chance to step up to leadership.
…You are your own worst critic. Don’t let your discomfort in front of the camera stop you from using Facebook Live videos for your real…
As many may already know, the Department of Housing and Urban Development last week announced the long-awaited arrival of new Federal Housing Administration condominium loan…
This article will provide helpful tips on how to report an accurate Age on a new listing. The Age of a Home contains important values that…
It's that time of year! Do you have lockboxes under your couch, in the trunk of your car, or maybe the desk drawer? It's time…
On Wednesday, September 4th, GAAR hosts its quarterly Marketing Workshop that will cover how you can use social media to power your business.
The workshop will review: